Over the past 20 years, Michelle Oppenheimer has become well known for composing paintings that capture the imaginative and organic possibilities of abstract watercolor and acrylic. Her art has been heralded for its calming and therapeutic nature. Michelle’s skilled blending of color and texture has earned her national acclaim, with representation at LACMA Sales and Rentals and Exhibitions at Bergamot Station, as well as numerous supplementary showings at galleries across the country.

Michelle credits her background as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine with helping her create works of art that speak to the sense of mystery and unknown in the individuals who view them. She is a firm believer in the inspirational and regenerative power of color, texture, and design, and taps into the energy of her surroundings to imagine paintings that soothe the soul and foster an environment of peace and relaxation. Just as creating each work of art is a personal journey for the artist, she invites the observer to draw their own connections and embrace each individual painting as their own. As such, she refrains from adding titles to her work that might influence the viewers’ interpretation of the piece. 

Michelle lives in her hometown of Los Angeles, California with her husband and two dogs. 




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